Chapter Summary: Defeat Of The Spanish Armada

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Chapter 2 Summary
The defeat of the Spanish Armada and the rise to power of Elizabeth I marked the beginning of English involvement in overseas colonization. The first English colony was founded in Jamestown, Virginia by the London Company. Initially, Jamestown was swampy, had poor drinking water, disease carrying insects, and the colonists wasted their time looking for gold instead of doing useful tasks, but the colony later prospered with the leadership of John Smith and its growth of tobacco. Although English relations with neighboring Indians such as the Powhatans were initially positive, war eventually broke out and the Powhatans were banished. Other colonies were soon established. Maryland was founded in 1634 by Lord Baltimore as a safe haven for Catholics. South Carolina established economic ties with sugar colonies in the West Indies, while North Carolina was more independent and had small farms. Georgia was intended to be a buffer between the English colonies and the Spanish and French settlements down south. These five "plantation colonies" all permitted some sort of religious toleration, depended on agriculture, and implemented slavery for labor.

Essential Questions (EQs)
1. Were the Americas "discovered" or were they conquered?
The Americas were both …show more content…

Spanish conquistadores such as Cortes and Pizarro were especially harsh, completely destroying the Aztec and Incan empires. Some natives, such as Chief Powhatan and his daughter Pocahontas, attempted to create friendly relations with the European settlers. The marriage of Pocahontas to colonist John Rolfe was successful towards maintaining peace for a short period of time, but the Anglo-Powhatan Wars soon broke out, and the Powhatans were banished from their homeland. European settlers also believed in converting the natives to their own religion, and the Spanish Mission System in California was established as a

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