Chapter 2 Gene Case Study Questions And Answers

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Why does Gene not respond when Finny calls him his best pal? What do you think held him back from agreeing? Why does Finny encourage Gene to play sports when he can’t? Why does he feel so passionately about making him an athlete? Why do you think Gene tells Finny he shook the limb on the tree which cause the accident? What do you think came over him? What does Gene mean when he says his purpose is to become a part of Phineas? Why does Gene put on Finny’s clothes? Did Gene cause Finny’s accident on purpose? What would have his motives been? In the beginning of the novel, why do you think Gene returns to the school? In chapter 8, Finny explains his conspiracy theory for the war. Why do you think he believes the war is a hoax? What is your opinion

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