Changing a Flat Tire

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Changing a Flat Tire

The following steps are the safest way to change a flat tire. If you received a flat tire while driving down the road; first thing to do is to get away from oncoming traffic; at that time, find a place that is well lit, such as a parking lot. Keep in mind the farther you drive on a flat tire, the more damage you will incur to the tire and wheel. Secondly, set the parking brake so that the car does not roll away while the car is off the ground. Then, you have to locate your spare tire, which will replace the flat tire; that is usually in a compartment inside the trunk. The spare tire is secured in place by a bolt or a bracket that unscrews easily. In addition to the spare tire, you will need a jack to raise the car off the ground. The third item you need, is a lug nut wrench that will remove the lug nuts. Place all of the items near the work area. If you have a tarp, lay it on the ground and put some rocks on each corner of it so that the wind will not lift it up off the ground. The tarp gives you something to kneel on; instead, of kneeling on the ground...

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