Changing Roles Of Women In The 1920s

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In the 1920’s right after World War One, America was changing fast in many ways. Society was changing for women. Some were rebellious, and others became more equal partners in marriage. This sudden change was was fueled by the women it affected. Blacks were also changing society for them, with the Harlem Renaissance. They produced beautiful art and music for the world to see. They were also showing pride about being black. Economically, America was changing, too, with the big business boom. Everybody wanted stuff and some finally had the money to buy it. People began investing in the stock markets and borrowing money and digging a deep pit. In the 1920’s, conservatism and new values clashed. Fundamentalism was changing our world. The 1920’s changed the way America worked forever, through society and economy. …show more content…

In 1920, Women were allowed to vote for the first time, and this set off a decade of feminism. In World War One, men went to fight, and women worked in factories. This made women feel more competent and they began to get college degrees and work. They worked in white-collar jobs like secretaries and blue collar jobs like a factory worker. By the end of the 1920’s, women made up a quarter of the workforce. Women also became more free. One popular symbol of the twenties is the flapper. Some young women rebelled against old standard by dancing in public, drinking and smoking. They wore less modest clothing, and more jewelry and cut their hair shorter. However, while this archetype of women is popular, most women stayed housewives. However, new appliances such as the refrigerator, washing machine and toaster became available and this made housekeeping easier. The 20’s changed life for women forever and how society changed through

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