Changes During The 1960's Hippie Movement

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What is a hippie? A hippie is a person of unconventional appearance, typically having long hair and wearing beads of some sort, they are associated with a subculture involving rejection of conventional values, and taking hallucinogenic drugs. During the 1960's the hippie lifestyle came to life in America. Teenagers ran away from home to joins groups of others and they became more and more involved in the ways of a hippie. The 1960's Hippie Movement changed the way Americans spoke, dressed, and treated others of different races and ethnicities (Emily).
The Lyrics of music and poems, and the stories that people wrote changed a lot because of this time in history. Before this time period music was very modest. Profanity and anything that was sexual was not accepted by Americans. Music change greatly talking about peace, sex, and using a more diverse language. Poems and …show more content…

Both men and women ran around half naked in public. They wore skirts, bell bottom jeans, high-knee boots, and suede vests. The colors of clothing became very bright with flower and tie-dye patterns. Today it is common to see men and women wearing clothing that is bright, colorful, and provocative. Before the 1960's clothing was plain and boring but that changed drastically (Fashion).
In America racism and hate against people of different ethnicities was very common before the sixties, but decreased because of the hippies wanting peace between all people. A big impact that came to be because of the hippie movement was the Civil Rights Movement. They wanted both men and women to be equal no matter their background. They believed in "The brotherhood among people of all races and ethnicities"(Impact). Hippies also played a huge roll in the March on Washington and Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I had a Dream" speech. They are one of the main reasons why there is equality between all men and women in the United

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