Change Of Perception Essay

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Realize that perceptions of people may need to be changed over time. People often saddle themselves with perceptions that are based on old or incomplete information and find it easier to stick with a perception, even if it is wrong, than to change it. Willingness to change means making an effort to observe this person’s behavior at other times without bias and being prepared to modify your perception if the person’s behavior warrant, it. It takes strength of character to say to yourself or others, I was wrong. But communication based on outdated, inaccuracy e perceptions be more costly than revising perceptions. It is important to use perception checking to verify conclusions you have drawn. A perception check is a verbal statement that reflects your own understanding of the meaning of another person’s nonverbal cues. Perception checking calls for you to watch the behavior of the other person, ask yourself, “What …show more content…

Your beliefs about a situation are just one way that emotional triggers can influence your behavior. Sometimes, emotional triggers can lead to positive behavior; however, emotional triggers often lie behind some of our worst behavior. If you are unaware of your emotional triggers, these negative behaviors can seem automatic and out of your control. “Although guilt and shame may not be fully distinct from sadness, there is no doubt that these emotions affect what we say and do, or that people try to manipulate these emotions to influence others.” Fortunately, as you become aware of your emotional triggers and start to monitor them, you realize that you have the opportunity to intervene in the space between the event and your response, therefore creating a more desirable situation. “Specifically, by voicing our emotions, we can often defuse our urge to act out.” Pg 58. Instead of just being aware of our emotions we can make others aware of how we feel to help change the mood and avoid mixed

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