Chalchiuhtlicue Important To The Aztec Religion

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Chalchiuhtlicue whose name means "She of the Jade Skirt", was the Aztec goddess of running water, such as rivers and oceans, and was considered the patroness of navigation. She was one of the most important deities, patroness of childbirth, wife and feminine counterpart of Tlaloc, the rain god. In some sources she is described instead as the wife of the god Xiuhtecuhtli.Along with Tlaloc, Chalchiuhtlicue pertained to the Aztec group of gods supervising water and fertility. To these deities was dedicated a series of ceremonies called Atlcahualo, which lasted the all month of February. During these ceremonies, the Aztecs performed many rituals, usually on the mountain tops, where they sacrificed children. For Aztec religion, the tears of children

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