Cesare Lombroso's The Born Criminal

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'I take the psychopathologies that develop within a culture, far from anomalies or aberrations, to be characteristic expressions of that culture; to be, indeed, the crystallization of much that is wrong with it' (Bordo 1996, 164). Bordo looks at contemporary body practices with the aim not to portray these obsessions as weird or anomalous, but rather the actions that clearly show the anxieties and fantasies adopted by our culture. Much has changed over the years and new subcultures has arisen. Domestic violence has been watched on television, seen via adverts, posters, magazines, social media and there are groups (charities, domestic abuse organisations) who highlight the fact that it does indeed exist in everyday life (our society/communities/households). …show more content…

He believed criminality was inherited and that perpetrators could be identified just by looking at them and their characteristics i.e. bloodshot eyes, hawk like nose, unusual size or shape of head etc. According to Lombroso if you had five or more biological traits then you would be deemed a criminal. He drew on the ideas of Charles Darwin and suggested criminals were atavistic- ‘evolutionary throwbacks’. Lombroso went on to say that their brains were mal-developed or not fully developed. His theories have long since fallen out of favour, making his casual connection between criminality and human physical traits quite …show more content…

Showing intimacy and love would not come at ease and cause even more distress to that individual. An unhappy and stressed out person could come become bitter and exhibit abnormal behaviours. Unable to achieve their goals whether it be money, status or the means to provide for their family may result in the individual to deviate and gradually become more violent and aggressive- leading to domestic violence. Domestic violence has become more apparent and seen as more of an issue nowadays than ever before. It is not just about a woman living at home with her husband that batters her every day and she tries to hide it from her children and friends using make-up or sunglasses as a cover up. Domestic violence is not just a gender issue, males are victims too. In the Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) statistics show that: • 8.2% of women and 4% of men were estimated to have experienced domestic violence in 2014-15 equivalent to an estimated 1.3 million female and 600,000 male

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