Celtic Heros And Heroines

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The Anglo Saxons 449-1066
1) The Celtic Heros and Heroines: A Magical World
A) Greek travelers from the 4th century found an island settled by celts
B) The religion of the celts formed in animism (spirit)
C) The mythology of the Celts influenced English and Irish writers to this day
D) Celtic Stories and Anglo Saxon stories are different
1) Tall, strong, blonde warriors settled with the Britons or Brythons (known as Britains)
2) The Celts saw spirits in everything (rivers, trees, ponds,stones, fire, and thunder)
3) Sir Thomas Malory ( 15th century, Celtic legends, warrior named Arthur)
4) Anglo Saxon (male dominated), Celtics (strong women)

2) The Romans: The Great Administrators
A) invasion led by Julius Caesar in 55 B.C.
B) Romans provided …show more content…

They built a network of roads
3) Christianity became the unifying force and the old Celtic religion began to vanish. If they stayed the language would've been Italian.

3) The Anglo Saxons Sweep Ashore
A) the language of the Anglo Saxons
B) Heroic Celtic Leaders
C) The country was divided into several independent principalities each with their own king
1) new name was England
2) Welsh chieftain called Arthur
3) King Alfred of Wessex (r. 871-899) (Alfred the great) led the Anglo saxons against the invading Danes that England became in any true nation.

4) Anglo Saxon life: The Warm Hall, the Cold World
A) Archaeologists discovered treasures
B) There was no trace of the warrior himself
C) Anglo Saxons lived in England
1) The treasures had been under the earth for thirteen years. It was also treasure found on a huge wooden ship.
2) They found a sword they might of thought it was the warrior, they also found meticulously decorated treasures of gold, silver, and bronze, his purse, coins, helmet, buckle, serving vessels, and harp.
3) Teneded to live close to their animals in single-family homes. (Wooden buildings) the buildings surrounded a communal Court where they also held …show more content…

The Anglo Saxon had a specific name for him and it was Woden (Wednesday). He could also help humans communicate with spirits
2) Thunor was known as Thor (Norse god of thunder and lightning). His sign was a hammer and swastika. Thor also means Thursday.
3) Beowulf- protector of treasures, “death the devoured” hitch means guardian of the grave.

6) The Bards: Singing of Gods and Heros
A) Anglo Saxon and poetry
B) Literature
C) Non-Christians
1) Poets sang to the sounds of the harps, storytellers had a rich supply of heroic tales. Usually talks about war, disease, or old age.
2) Frequently identified with cold and darkness of the winter.
3) Offered them hope of an afterlife.

7) A light from Ireland
A) Ireland
B) Christianity
C) Monasteries during that time period
1) Isolated and surrounded by wild seas was not over run by the Germanic invaders.
2) In 432 the Celtic Ireland was converted into Christianity by Patrick (Briton/ British)
3) They served as centers of learning. Had popular literature just like Beowulf.

8) The Christian Monasteries: The Ink

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