Cell Cycle Essay

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Q1.The cell cycle is the series of events which occur in a cell leading to its division and replication.
In animal cell, the cell cycle can be divided in following three periods:
- interphase
- mitotic (M) phase
- cytokinesis
Interphase and mitotic are two difference periods on the cell cycle, each period has their difference importance.
First of all, interphase included three stages: G1 stage, S stage and G2 stage.Cells in the G1 stage will undergo the primary growth. Such as making more cytoplasm and organelles which makes the cells mature for use the next stage of chromosome replication. In this phase the cell is carries on its normal metabolic activities. Then, DNA copied performed in S stage. In the final stage of interphase is G2 stage which produced an organelles and proteins that need to be use in cell division.
For the mitotic (M) phase, there are four stages as following:
- Prophase
- Metaphase
- Anaphase
- Telophase
In the Prophase, chromosome as double threads joined at centromere and then shorten and thicken. Then nucleolus and nuclear membrane disappears. Fibrils of astral rays extend across forming mitotic spindle. After that centriole divides into two.
In the Metaphase, chromosomes around equatorial plane of spindle with centromeres of chromosome attached to fibrils of spindle.
Then, in the Anaphase, centromeres divides and the each chromatid moves apart.
Finally, daughter chromosomes approaching poles and loss individuality. Nucleolus reappears and nuclear membrane reconstituted.

(picture source: http://cyberbridge.mcb.harvard.edu/mitosis_3.html)
There are some specific checkpoint which is the regulation mechanism of the cell cycle. When certain conditions are met, the cell cycle will continue, so the cell ...

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...finally inversions is change the nucleotide sequence.
Mutation that results in an increase in the amount of genetic materials is extremely important in promoting evolutionary novelty. Mutation and competition in the original or new environment present powerful forces in the creation and survival of new, better genotypes in a haploid organism. In diploid organisms, recombination of these new genes already present, when subjected to selection by environment, also permits the evolution of new types.
And there also made hybrid vigour. In any population there are some bad recessive genes. Inbreeding results in a high proportion of the offspring being homozygous for these genes. Outbreeding result in many offspring being heterozygous. Therefore bad genes are masked by their normal dominant alleles. Offspring are tougher, more fertile and have a greater chance of survival.

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