Causes of the Russian Revolution

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Causes of the Russian Revolution

There were many reasons for the Russian Revolution. The problems

mostly consisted of political, economical, and social issues. There

were many rulers that caused political damage among the people for

them to seek change. Since there were so many economically problems

within Russia people suffered from starvation and lost their lives.

Finally, people wanted change to live better lives and looked upon

leaders that promised that. There are many different aspects that

contributed to the start of the Russian revolution.

There were many political problems in Russia that started the

revolution. Firstly, Czar Nicolas II made most of his decisions based

on his wife’s judgment. His wife made most of her decisions based on a

peasant’s judgment, name Rasputin. This trio was making bad decisions

for Russia which led to a downfall in this country. Therefore, they

asked Czar Nicholas II to step down from his throne. Since people were

weak and needed guidance they turned to Lenin, which led the

Bolsheviks, to fix problems in Russia. Lenin got most of his power

through violent revolutions and when he got this power he took over

the government. Since he wanted to stay out of war he gave land to

Germany as a sign of peace. Many people in Russia turned to leader to

guide them during rough times of Russia.

Another major cause of revolution in Russia was the social events.

Women were forced to work 12 hour shifts while their husbands were

fighting on the battles fields. During these times bread prices were

skyrocketing and Russian citizens were starving to death. Women went

on strike and closed all factories seen in Russia. Russian citizens

had no where to turn until Lenin came into power and wanted to

overthrow the provisional government. People were unhappy when Lenin

decided to sign the treaty of Brest-Lituvsk, which allowed Germany to

own some of Russia’s land and formed peace between the two countries.

The economy was another influence in the start of the Russian

Revolution. Soldiers were forced to fight on the battlefields with

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