Causes Of World War 1 Dbq Essay

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WWI DBQ essay World War One is one of the deadliest wars in world history and with any war there will always be fear and same can be say true in earlier America/today with a fresh mind of superiority and anxiety too. When the Allies fought in WWI, the U.S. stayed neutral during the war and respected the Germans, until the sinking of many merchant ships by German u boats, did the U.S. declared war on Germany and confiscate their rights. In early America many Americans feared a lot of things that was perfectly understandable during that time with it being the addition of new peoples- African Americans, Asians, and Europeans. The same can be said for today views where we still have grudges against minorities, especially Muslims …show more content…

In the 1880s and the 1900s a huge diaspora of European outsiders came for a better life, but only to receive a unsanitary job as mentioned on page 557. Being afraid of certain ethnic groups should not be punished with disgusting situation, but instead they should teach them more skilled jobs. With the rush of gold in 1850, many Chinese were accepted a job, until many people and lawmakers wanted the exclusion of them in a law called "The Exclusion Act of 1882", which is seen on page 564. This exclusion act is about basically fear and not about actual facts and if you exclude a certain ethnic group, it will ruin generations by not letting them come in. Since the foundation of America, Indians were moved constantly from their homelands to a land out west and most of them died, with their kids being taught English- to assimilate them to society as shown on page 528. Americans have a fear of Indians of being savages, but at least they thought of having peace with them. American's overreaction during this time is understandable with it not ever experiencing this before, but when compared to today and WWI it's a totally different

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