Causes Of Fuel Pollution Essay

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Solution Has it ever crossed your mind that our country is facing a huge problem which is fuel shortage? Well, it’s high time you do! Nowadays, any modern country could not develop or survive without source of energy like the most common source of energy is oil. However, our country is depending on oil which is an unrenewable source of energy. Therefore, fuel shortage is a major issue that facing our country which may lead to various negative effect. The consumption of the fuel over the period 2000 till 2008 has increased as the growth production increased by 27% whereas the production of the oil has been decreased by around 22% which leading to a gap which is currently covered through imports. Therefore, the steep increase in the oil consumption turning Egypt from net exporter during the period 1980 to net importer in 2007 which negatively affect all the Egyptian people. Fuel crisis in Egypt is increasing day by day as oil is the foremost source of energy, the consumption of the fuel is increasing due to the population growth and the desire to improve the conditions and standard of living of the people. Also the urbanization and industrialization leads to fuel crisis which may lead to a lot of negative effects toward our country. Therefore, the imports may increase and also the international prices for most of these products. Moreover, petroleum products subsidy leads to undermine the government ability to increase public spending as education and health. Also Egypt government calls on citizens to ration electricity by cutting electricity off. Therefore, There is a lot of organizations were set up to solve this problem as International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) , ‏Nuclear Power Plant Authority (NPPA) which took a major rule in ... ... middle of paper ... ...tion and also there are many famous organizations as IAEA and NPPA will aid Egypt in this project and also the IAEA organization made a lot of achievements in providing the safety. For a period of time extending over two decades Egypt has depended on oil and natural gas as the primary source of energy. However, these sources are not renewable and the production of oil and natural gas are decrease by time due to many causes and effects. Sitting the first nuclear power plant may decrease the fuel crisis in Egypt as it will be a second main source of energy, also a small amount of nuclear material can produce a lot of energy which will help Egypt to generate enough electricity and it is a clean energy. Unfortunately, the first NPP project stopped due to the revolution and the nuclear project will be continued until Egypt had parliamentary and presidential elections.

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