Cause Of Terrorism Essay

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Terrorism. When we hear that word the first thing that always comes in our mind is war, blood, guns, violence and other dreadful things. Terrorism is a very complicated thing. It's so hard to end. Terrorism is a unlawful violence against people. But why people started this kind of conflict? Why terrorists do such terrible things?
According from researches and studies there are multiple reasons why terrorism existed. The most common cause or reason of terrorism is conflict in the religion. We all have different values, beliefs and perspective in life. It is also reason why there is a lot of religion in the world. Perhaps the most commonly held belief today is that terrorism is caused by religion. Though it is not the main cause for terrorism, …show more content…

Probably the most contested cause of terrorism is an aggrieved group resorting to violence for nationalist or separatist reasons; depending on one's point of view, this can be considered as resistance against an oppressor. The separation of states is an effect of unfairness in competition/rivalry when an ethny is subordinated or disadvantaged in economic opportunity, social status, political voice and rights, or cultural expressions. To generalize it further, ethnic conflict arises from a complex combination of class, inequality, political opportunity, mobilization resources and ethnic strength. And another factor is social stratification or inequalities in the distribution of scarce resources. And when they feel unfairness the relatively deprived they started …show more content…

It's too horrible to be true. When terrorists strikes always expect numerous deaths. Terrorists who kill and torture with no mercy, like beheading, amputation of body parts, sex-slavery among women and children, witnessing death of family or friend and other terrible and unimaginable violence. People who were kidnapped by terrorists and experienced cruel things then survive suffers to injuries, diseases, long-term or short-term psychological trauma, post stress disorder, anxiety and major depression. Also Terrorism effects major damage in the economy, infrastructure and business. That cause the government to spend more time and money on security. While the impact on the society creates an atmosphere of suspicion, fear, life becomes uncertain and panic all around.
The effect of terrorism is like losing all the chances of having a bright and peaceful life. But terrorism is not an disadvantage at all, it has positive side why some people choose or experienced this cruel fate. It may help the victims or survivors to be brave and strong for upcoming challenges in their lives. Terrorism may also cause to make a country more peaceful and beautiful to live. Terrorism changes a person's perspective in life, it make us realize that we should have deeper understanding despite of the differences in our religion, nationality, races, culture, beliefs and human

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