Cause And Effect Essay On Being Obese

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Being obese causes for a more difficult life in the United States
More than 72 million people are diagnose with obesity in the United States. That is more than one third of the United States population. Obesity is a condition where a person body fat exceeds a height and muscle chart that doctors made to keep the human body healthy. Obesity can be caused by a few factors but the most common related factors are improper dieting and little to no exercise are the leading factors, on why thirty three percent of Americans are obese. Obesity have been linked to increase blood pressure, organ failure and even death if left unchecked by a doctor. Even though in some cases obesity can be inherit by family genetics or other medical reason that only makes …show more content…

We all know how hard life can be. But obese people will have a even harder life compared to people who are not obese. The reason why obese people will have harder life is due to the fact obesity takes a heavy toll on a person finances, physical health, and mental health. People who are obese tend to spend more money compared to people who are not. This could be due extra doctor visits or a higher budget for food. Whatever the reason is people who are obese spend more money compared to people who are not obese. People who are obese are also at risk at having serious health risk. This is due to the disease that can occur from being obese. Disease like high blood pressure, heart failure, and even death are common effect of being obese. This is due to the fact obesity weakens the body and allows more serious disease into the body. Also obesity can play a negative role on the mental health of person, by giving them anxiety about their looks. Or by causing them a loss of self-confidences. With these three condition being effected by obesity will cause an induvial to have …show more content…

Though not interfering the brain directly, a person who is obese is eight times more likely to be unhappy about their body compared to people who are not obese. This could make life extremely difficult for people who have obesity due to the fact every time they look at themselves in the mirror there are reminded by their “none perfect self’s.” This can cause a person to lose all of their self-confidences. Causing that individual to become depress, and not get the medical help they need because of the fact they believe they will be stuck like that forever. Another reason why obesity can affect the mental health of a Pearson is on social aspect. People who are obese tent to stay to themselves of even reaching out to a support group of others obese people. Mostly on online chats or internet forms they sit behind a computer and try to make themselves feel better about the way they look. Some people might think that obese people chatting on the web is a positive sign. But the true fact is that same person on the chatroom is so unhappy with their body they do not want to go out and meet people face to face due to the fact they are scared to being judge. Not being physical able to get up and go outside is one thing but when a person is so self-conscious they rather stay inside and not have to go through a store without feeling they will be judge plays on a huge difficult for

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