Cause And Effect Essay On 9/11

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On September 11th 2001 one of the worst events in American history went down. Two Boeing 767 planes hit and destroyed the Twin Towers in Manhattan, New York. Due to the destruction of the buildings it brought up many questions as to why the buildings fell and the overall construction and stability of the buildings. Over weeks of research it has been seem that the construction and lack of stability in the buildings caused the most deaths. Due to lack of fireproofing and locations of exits and safety issues the building collapsed allowing hundreds if not thousands of people to die. The buildings flaws in constructions caused the deaths of many people and is the main cause/reason of death in the twin towers.
In the light of the construction of …show more content…

On page 19 and 94 in 102 Minutes it shows where the buildings exit stairs were located and which ones were destroyed. On page 19 Kevin Flynn and Jim Dwyer explain that “The plane cut through the building destroying all 3 stairs located at the center of the building as the building code permitted”(Dwyer, Flynn 19) This was not the correct thing to do for the building, further supported by the New York Times saying “Neither building had enough staircases to meet any of the major building codes in the country, including New York City's.” This shows further that the staircases were constructed wrongfully and allowed the plane to destroy all 3 at the same time, causing hundreds of people their lives that were at the top of the building. The staircases where a major flaw in the buildings construction and was a leading cause in the deaths of hundreds of …show more content…

However if you look at statistics and interviews from workers if the building had been properly insulated and fireproofed it would of had enough resistance to withstand a plane hitting it. In 102 minutes Kevin Flynn and Jim Dwyer state that the fire most likely went out within 10 minutes. But the resonating heat caused it to melt the beams and thus collapsing the building. So with the proper insulation and fireproofing of the building it would have been able to stay standing and save hundreds if not thousands of

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