Catholic Views On Capital Punishment

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The death penalty; is it ok for the deserving criminal or should it be outlawed completely? In today’s society, the view of capital punishment varies from country to country; where countries in the commonwealth are against it while in the USA and some Southern Asian countries it is still used to this day.
There are many for and against arguments for this topic, which includes the person has done the crime to deserve it, it will stop sick people form re entering the community, all life is sacred in the eyes of the church and it doesn’t allow the criminal to redeem and rehabilitate themselves in the prison system.
The Catholic Church’s view on capital punishment is not as strict as one would think. In the Catechism of the Catholic Church it says that once the guilty party’s identity and responsibility has been confirmed there is still a chance that the death penalty can be used under the traditional …show more content…

The Pope stated, “Its inadmissible, no matter how serious the crime committed." He added, "It is an offence against the inviolability of life and the dignity of the human person, which contradicts God's plan for man and society, and his merciful justice, and impedes the penalty from fulfilling any just objective. It does not render justice to the victims, but rather fosters vengeance.” The Pope also focused on the questions on methods of execution saying, “There is discussion in some quarters about the method of killing, as if it were possible to find ways of 'getting it right'. … But there is no humane way of killing another person.” Still to this day there have been debates within the church about how Catholics, including some bishops and the Pope conserve that the death penalty, abortion and euthanasia is a clear breach of the right to life and an unlawful action by human beings of God's rules over life and

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