Catherine Morland In Jane Austen's Northanger Abbey

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Catherine Morland is the main character of the book, Northanger Abbey. In the beginning of the story, Austen describes Morland as a plain, young girl who holds no particularly extravagant features. As a child, Catherine contrasted strongly against the average girl; she enjoyed boyish activities and despised learning. For example, Jane Austen states that “she was moreover noisy and wild, hated confinement and cleanliness, and loved nothing so well in the world as rolling down the green slope at the back of the house,” (Austen 8). However, as Catherine grew older, she began to attain the qualities of a well-mannered woman. Jane Austen describes her development by stating that “her love of dirt gave way to an inclination for finery, and she grew …show more content…

Austen gained global recognition for many aspects in her work such as the gothic satirical themes. In contrast, renowned critics provide their insight into what they thought of Northanger Abbey. Catherine Dominic and Jenna R. Bergmann both express their opinions on the book. Dominic as well as Bergmann commend Jane Austen for her satirical themes that diverge from common novels in her time. Each critic also analyzes the relationships between the characters and the gender roles that affected the story. Her work offered a fresh aspect into the lives of middle class women who led normal lives; they did not include unrealistic, ridiculous plots but revealed the true nature of average life that other authors tried to conceal with their fantasied literature.
Additionally, Jane Austen featured several dynamic characters in Northanger Abbey. One significant character, Catherine Morland was the main antagonist in the book. Miss Morland was a unique girl who was quite different from the stereotypical heroine commonly read about in eighteenth century novels. Catherine Morland’s character grew from a young, naive girl to a humbled, courteous woman. Miss Morland struggled throughout the book, assimilating to society independently, however overall she developed finely. She continues to learn lessons in life, but fortunately found love with a civil

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