Catcher In The Rye Thesis

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Our story is a retelling of The Catcher in the Rye, written by J.D. Salinger, that borrows symbolic elements from the story to create a more child friendly tale that parallels the original work. An idea central to our story is change in the form of flying away from his pond for the winter, which “Holden” initially resists. Similarly, Holden rejects the change into adulthood, shown most prominently in his mental image of preventing children from falling off the cliff that Holden perceives as the danger of growing up (Salinger, 1991, p. 173). Holden later rejects this fantasy of avoiding adulthood, attempting to convince his sister not to run away with him (p. 206). In our short story, “Holden” attempts to interact with the rubber ducks, which

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