Caste Based Discrimination Essay

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The survey is aimed to measure caste-based discrimination in Savitribai Phule Pune University college campus, Pune (India). Caste is one of the most salient identities in Indian society and discrimination based on caste identity is evident across institutions and public domain. Lower caste students (Scheduled caste and Scheduled Tribes) in higher education experiences caste-based discrimination, but generally it is unnoticed and overlooked in higher education policy framework. Hanna and Linden (2007) noted that caste discrimination persists throughout the education system in India. It is well documented that lower caste students experience discrimination (Weisskopf, 2006) by the higher caste peers, faculties and school administration. The survey …show more content…

The survey instrument is a part of my doctoral research dissertation. The survey will offer a range of data regarding discrimination along caste identities and lack of institutional social justice mechanism to support the lower caste students. Despite the constitutional provisions, lower caste students have been facing discrimination (Patwardhan & Palshikar, 1992; Desai & Kulkarni, 2008) and micro-aggression, even in the elite institutions. Affirmative action policy of the Constitution supports the lower caste candidates to enroll in higher education, but it does not prescribe any preventive measures to address caste-based differential treatment and harassment. The North American higher education institutions have studied and developed different social justice support systems and delivery mechanisms to address issues pertaining to injustice, racism, gender, sexual orientation, and awareness generating …show more content…

The survey has some sensitive questions which might trigger participants’ emotional feeling or refresh unpleasant memories. The survey participants are scheduled caste and scheduled tribe students that might promote friendship within the caste groups. I think, women participants might feel higher stress level while responding to sexual harassment and personal experience questions. It is undeniable fact that caste is divisive identity and topic, thus the survey might create tense environment on the campus and the lower caste students might face consequences at various

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