Case Study Of Mumbai's Dabbawala

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Resource: Wordpress (792 words) Title: 6 Golden Traits That an MBA can learn from Mumbai’s Dabbawala Keyword: job for MBA freshers Description: Content Formed in 1890 by Mahadeo Bhavaji Bachche and re-launched commercially in 1968, Mumbai Dabbawala’s have now become an important part of city’s supply chain. Divided in a group of 25-30 people, around 4000 to 5000 dabbawalas are responsible for the timely delivery of almost 2 Lakh lunchboxes in different corners of the city. With utmost organizational skills, these dabbawalas have created a unique example for all the management students. What can an MBA learn from these extremely organized and disciplined dabbawala’s; who’s immense hard work and management skill, converted a mere service into …show more content…

Dabbawalas work is based on 6 key fundamentals. If wisely implemented these basic management principals can add high value to an organization’s end-goals. As an MBA fresher who is looking for a job, it’s important to incorporate these basic yet important skillset in your life and resume. 1. Discipline: Dabbawala’s are extremely disciplined professionals. Maintaining accuracy in every 2,60,000 transactions/per day is not an easy task and there is no place for any indiscipline. For a dabbawala “Error is Equal to Horror”, and they have maintained 100% track record of on-time delivery. Mistakes are extremely …show more content…

Work Management: If a team member is not able to perform his work or fall sick, someone is always there to manage his task. There is no legitimated retirement age of dabbawala, even a senior worker help others and is paid same salary. There is no room for error but a backup is triggered if something unexpected interrupts the process. Each dabbawala works in synergy to achieve the same goal of “on-time delivery”. Important Management Lesson – “If a team focus on end goal, nothing can stop them to deliver unexpected results.” 4. Time Management: Time is crucial. Dabbawalas can’t be late. They have to deliver lunchbox before lunch on given address. Hence, their entire work depends on effective time management. Each task has to be completed within given timeframe. If someone is not able to do so, alternatives are performed immediately. Important Management Lesson – “Time is crucial and success of a project lies in efficient time management.” 5. Simple, Flexible & Accurate Process: Dabbawala’s use zero technology or software to manage their work. Every code that they use is simple and has basic information like, street/floor address (office and residence both). They use a standard organization method which does not change. The tiffin’s used for delivers are of same structure and have standard codes. Visual data is used to remember key facts like who is the owner of lunch box,

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