Case Study Of Lincoln Electric

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From being a student in the business program I have found that the courses in the MSM program has material that identifies key theoretical concepts and tools of strategy as well as some of the key issues facing business managers and leaders in today’s competitive business world. Therefore, to learn new management and leadership skills as well as how to be an effective business leader, you need to practice. Studying and analyzing a case study allows us to engage in the practice of strategic management by putting ourselves in a decision maker’s position and forcing us to deal with real life business scenarios facing actual managers and leaders in the workplace. However, to be an effective manager or leader you have to have control. Daft (2012) said managers approach to control is changing in many of today’s organizations. Thus, the case study of Lincoln Electric will help me to understand and identify the type of control process approach is used, why it works well for the organization, as well as identify why the control process approach wasn’t successful overseas.


Upon evaluating Lincoln Electric is doing very well as an organization in the United States but not so much internationally. It is concluded that this organization uses the decentralized approach for control. Daft (2012) stated that decentralized control utilizes rules and procedures only when necessary. The decentralized control approach managers rely on shared goals and values to control employee behavior. Daft (2012) also explained that with decentralized control power is more isolated and based on knowledge and experience as much as position. Joseph (2008) elaborated that decentralization is a type of organizational structure in which daily o...

... middle of paper ... little room for error which means the basic processes and more detailed operations are in place. The benefits to a decentralized control structure are more flexible and open to change. There is room for innovation and individual thought processes that could benefit the company as a whole or even one straightforward task. However, it is contingent upon taking socio-cultural differences into consideration when dealing with international organizations. For this reason, the most prosperous and successful business must be aware of changes in the cultures and societies in which it does business. As society and culture change, businesses must become accustomed to stay ahead of their competition. Therefore, to becoming an effective business leader, I must be able to analyze and evaluate all circumstances and situations that presents whether nationally or internationally.

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