Case Study Dorothy

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Dorothy was very angry as a child. She would get in fights at school and little things would make her mad very easily. She would get made fun of and be called moody, he father also suffered from moodiness as well. As she got older, she became much quieter but, she still had the same mood, not a lot excited her. Through high school she would party and have fun. When Dorothy turned 19 she moved to California, she noticed that she was living a much better and happier life. She got a job and boyfriend and all of her problems seemed to go away. She made big plans to open her own resort. Then, Dorothy’s dark moods came back. She quit her job, broke up with her friend and even considered suicide. Slowly Dorothy’s energy returned she would jog every …show more content…

Without treatment Dorothy would most likely continue the same pattern she is on. She would get in a dark depressive state and then slowly recover, get a job, boyfriend, and live a happy life. Then another dark period would occur, it would be like a never ending cycle that would never end unless she get treatment. Some good treatment options for Dorothy would be to take a variety of different mood stabilizing drugs such as lithium, carbamazepine, and valproate. (Comer, 2008) These mood stabilizers can also help with the depressive episodes as well. Doctors usually use a combination of antidepressant and mood stabilizers to treat bipolar depression .(Comer, 2008) Although it is very rare for treatment psychotherapy can also work with helping people with bipolar disorders. Adjunct therapy is commonly used with psychotherapy, and is done as an individual, in a group, or with family. This type of therapy usually helps with stressing how important taking medication is and to try and help solve any problems that might be causing this depression. Although not a lot of tests have been done on adjunctive therapy, it has been proven to reduce hospitalization, improve social functioning, and increase the client’s ability to be able to hold a job. (Comer,

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