Cars In Our Lives Essay

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Cars play a very important role in our lives. These days, we cannot imagine our lives without having a car. We use cars on a daily basis to get to work, school, and other events. Cars became part of the American culture in the1950s. In that era, the cars inspired authors, singers, and movie makers. Nowadays, we also refer to the “American car Culture” whenever we have a discussion about cars with each other. Cars have made our lives so easy because they are convenient and time-saving. Cars are also a symbol of a status for an individual in a society. If a person is wealthy, then he/she buys a luxury or sporty car, which isn’t affordable for everyone due to very high price. Cars reflect the psyche of the American people because they give them the feeling of independence, which we …show more content…

In other countries, people do not love their cars as much as we Americans do. It is either because they don’t have enough resources, such as oil and infrastructure or they like to use public transportation for traveling. Whatever the reason might be, we cannot afford so many cars on our planet just because they cause problems. I believe that it isn’t possible to change the psyche of the American people about cars in a shorter span of time since it started sixty years ago and became popular over time, but it is possible. The change has to be done in near future if we are to going save our planet from emissions and possible wars. In “In California’s High-Speed Train Efforts, Worldwide Manufacturers Jockey for Position,” Tim Sheehan explains the importance of high-speed train in California. High-speed train has so many advantages compared to any other kind of mass transit project, which makes them stand out in the crowd. These high speed trains will not consume oil, rather they will run on electricity. We have already seen a huge change after the introduction of hybrid cars. These trains won’t release emissions, which will help us achieve our environmental-protection

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