Career Statement: A Career As A Dental Hygiene

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The career I am currently pursuing is Dental Hygiene. I chose this career in senior year of high school. My algebra teacher inspired me to choose this career path. I always visited with her after class, for she was my favorite teacher and I learned a great deal from her. One day while visiting her, she spoke about her husband and her two dogs. Her husband was a dental hygienist, and she recommended me to explore further into that career if I could not think of one myself by the completion of senior year. I eventually did consider it, but I decided to become a dentist instead because of the pay. I told her about my decision and she supported me, but was not pleased by my decision since dentistry was prone to take over lots of my life. The pay seemed certainly excellent but I did not know if it was actually worth my time. After learning how complex dentistry was likely to be, I settled for becoming a dentist hygienist. There are numerous specific skills that are required for this profession such as, critical thinking, active listening, good
The total credit hours include The Dental Hygiene Program. After completing the perquisites and the program, I will graduate with an Associate Degree in Applied Science. The next objective will next be to become certified as a dental hygienist. This is completed by taking state and certifying examinations. Training usually includes one to two years, including being on the job experience and informal training. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, skills necessary are interpersonal skills, physical stamina, dexterity, detail oriented and compassion. It is only recommended that a student should at least major in an Associate Degree in Applied Science. A student can also acquire a bachelor’s degree, but it is not necessary for this career. It is recommended to acquire this degree if the student is planning on branching away from dental

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