Career Goals: The Art Institute Of Portland

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What are your career goals and how do you expect your education at The Art Institute of Portland to help you attain them? In what ways will you participate and commit to your education in order to be successful? Understandably, the most entrancing part of any movie is the ending. The “wow” factor that ties everything together; making it worth the interest. That’s the answer most of our society would likely give about what is worth the investment in seeing a production. On the other hand, there are those of us who marvel at what it takes being a part of those who made it into the ending credits. Not merely the vocal actors, but the teams whose desire was being part of something bigger. With an animation degree from the Art Institute of Portland, one could obtain the skills required as an animator and hone their abilities to work for a company like Disney. Being my dream career of choices. With reachable goals, careful planning, and dedication to my education this …show more content…

The education I hope to receive will carve and mold me into the person I hope to become. Schooling has usually been a priority to me. For some time, schooling needed put off. I needed to make some personal changes. Growing and putting myself first has made me realize the error in that choice. I could handle a lot more than I ever let on. Others could see my potential, but I tend put myself in the way. An education will only further benefit me and my mark on society. During the time I was improving on myself, my family was there every step of the way. In fact, the most influential person that comes to mind would be my step dad. He never finished his art degree, and maybe if I can make it possible for myself he can see that he can do it too. Family has always had extremely high expectations for me, and I cannot very well let them down. They have helped me this far, and I know they will continue as the support I need to power

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