Cardio Essay

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Introduction It is considered that weights and high intensity interval training helps to lose weight more rapidly than cardio. Several studies have proven that in terms of weight loss, high intensity interval training (HIIT) exercises and lifting weights is comparatively more effective than moderate cardio endurance. After interval and strength training the human metabolism takes longer to return its calm state, therefore burning more calories even after an intense workout. But does this mean that all dieters should switch from cardio to HIIT or instead of running down the street to buy a gym membership? If we were to propose the following situation to the average gym-goer, it would probably play down something like this. "When you want …show more content…

HIIT and total body reshaping Moving on, another big benefit that weight training (HIIT) has over cardio training (AEROBICS) is that it will completely allows one to transform their body. Cardio training generally will help lose weight, however typically this weight loss is going to be a bit of a combination between fat and muscle; therefore in the end one is left with a smaller version of their current self. When performing resistance training instead while following a hypocalorie diet, a better chance of losing strictly body fat, while helping to enhance the natural curves of the body can be achieved. This lends for a much more attractive physique, which will give a much better overall transformation than just losing weight doing cardio. One thing that should be mentioned at this point is that many women will shy away from lifting weights, particularly going heavier with them (more than 5-10 pounds) simply because they believe that doing so causes them to develop rippling muscles that give off too masculine of a look. This is an unfortunate misperception because the fact of the matter is that females do not have enough testosterone in their body to develop this degree of musculature naturally, plus in order to build that type of muscle even with testosterone present, a great deal of food must be provided (which is another thing that most women are not

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