Carbo Carbon Monoxide

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CO is a gas produced by the incomplete combustion of fuels in a confined place. There is a chance of co forming in a house when a gas appliance hasn’t been fitted correctly, it has not been repaired well enough, or has not been properly sustained. Examples of sources that could possibly produce Carbon Monoxide in the house would be a clothes dryer, furnace, gas stove, and fireplace.
In order to decrease the chance of carbon monoxide gas forming in your house have any coal burning appliances checked by an electrician once a year. Also, use any outdoor or portable stove outside the house, do not stat your car in the garage with the garage closed and install a carbon Monoxide detector so you will know if co gas is present in your house. environment Carbon Monoxide has no serious affect in the environment it is just an extra gas in the atmosphere that doesn't need to be there. However, it can be very dangerous to animals and humans if they inhale the gas.
Carbon Monoxide gas is a silent killer. When Carbon monoxide is present in the air around you it is not easy to tell due to its properties. …show more content…

Oxygen is essential for body tissues and cells to function, without oxygen they will die. When carbon monoxide is present in the air it quickly accumulates in the blood stream which causes symptoms such as, headaches, nausea, shortage of breath, dizziness. As the amount of carbon monoxide in the air increases the health effects of the gas become more severe. If exposed to high concentrations of carbon monoxide it can lead to brain damage, unconsciousness, or

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