Car Wreck Descriptive Writing

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One sunny, warm summer day, I was sitting on the couch watching tv. I was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a red and white button up shirt. I had my black motorola flip phone and my black motorola 2 way radio sitting on my lap. I was listening to the fire department go on calls using my 2 way radio. There was one call that said there was a car wreck a block away from my house so my dad and I stepped outside to see how bad the car wreck was. It looked horrible. There was glass,metal,plastic,and rubber everywhere. My dad panicked and ran back inside but I stood there on our cement steps watching and waiting for the fire department to arrive. It took about 10 minutes for the first fire engine to arrive. When It showed up, There was a police car and two ambulances that came right after the fire engine. I sat down on our grey cement steps and just …show more content…

I told him ok and I hope they can get it started. We continued down the highway and about halfway to our destination, our low tire pressure light indicator came on. My grandfather pulled over and we both hopped out of the truck's cab. I ran around to the passenger rear tire and it was a horrible sight! The tire was flat! I yelled to my grandpa and told him to come here. He came running over and he got a sight that he did not want to see. He asked me to please climb into the truck's bed and get the 3 ton truck jack. I climbed up into the cargo bed and I grabbed the truck jack. I handed it down to him and then I jumped out of the bed. Then my grandpa asked me to crawl under the truck and get the spare tire. So I grabbed a wrench and I climbed under the truck to get the spare tire. I quickly slid out from under the big diesel truck before the spare tire fell out of place. As soon as I got out from under the big truck, the spare tire popped out of place and fell to the

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