Capstone Patient Justification

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Justification Paper I selected my patient to be my capstone patient based on the findings during the dental appointment. These findings were found from the patient’s medical history, radiographs, ten page assessment, and periodontal charting. My patient’s ASA classification was a class I due to no medications except for mucinex. Mucinex can cause oral side effects that include xerostomia. The patient’s blood pressure was 140/90 mmHg at the first appointment, which is in the prehypertensive stage. Prehypertensive is a major concern due to the risk of becoming hypertensive and being prescribed a medication to help control the patient's blood pressure. The medical history also revealed evidence of tobacco use and alcohol intake. Tobacco use can increase the patient's risk for oral cancer, xerostomia, dental caries, tooth stain, tooth loss, and periodontal disease. My patient currently has moderate stain and active decay. Therefore, it is important to also include tobacco …show more content…

Based on the radiographs that were previously taken by another student, the patient has areas of decay and generalized bone loss. These findings indicate that individualized home care is crucial in the progression of the treatment plan. The ten page assessment findings included areas of active decay, bulbous and shiny gingiva, and occlusal wear on the anterior teeth. A night guard is important to recommend in order to help to prevent further wear on the occlusal surface. The generalized areas of decay within the mouth indicate that this patient is in need of nutritional counseling. Nutritional counseling is helpful in determining the food items and beverages that the patient's eats and drinks that are high in sugar or carbohydrates. Nutritional counseling for my patient revealed that my patient drinks multiple different types of juices due to being unaware of the amount of sugar contained in

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