Capitalist Simulation Game Analysis

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There are many ways to run a country, whether its capitalism, socialism, or communism. My class has been running a pure capitalist simulation game. I believe pure capitalism is not the way, but pure socialism is the right way to go. I would have price control and food stamps.
The way my class got land was our teacher drew numbers at random and that determined who got on the island first and picked where they live. People who owned food and water were allowed to discuss prices which is called price fixing and building supply owners competed for buyers. The people who owned food, water, and building supplies were the rich and middle classes, while people without nothing on their properties were considered poor. During the simulation game my class had eleven rich, four middle class, and fifteen poor. Some changes I would like to see are price control and food stamps. Price control, which helps by letting the government decides what a good profit is, in turn helps lower prices of necessities. It would help our poor so they don't cut into their sleep time because we only get 8 hours of sleep, and the rich don't become too rich. The extra hours could balance out for some people to become middle class. Food stamps are when the government collects taxes and distributes the hours up …show more content…

I have learned that capitalism is about keeping what is earned, socialism is about the rich getting taxed more and tax money is distributed out, and communism is about getting what is need based on government decisions. In America capitalism and socialism affect my life; however, capitalism has a negative effect while socialism has a positive impact. An example of a negative effect of capitalism is that my father and I are poor; my father doesn't make much. Arizona's recent minimum wage increase would help me when I get a job and disability helps my dad pay for things and both of these a represent

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