Capital Punishment Should Be Reintroduced

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Is Capital Punishment the correct sentence for a murderer? I will be

discussing in my essay whether Capital Punishment should stay

abolished or be reintroduced after 38 years since the punishment was


Capital punishment is a form of taking someone's life in order to

repay for the crime that they have committed. There are many different

methods of doing this, for example a few of them are such things as

The Electric Chair, Hanging, Stretching, Stoning.

Since 1965 people have been saying that Capital Punishment should be

reintroduced. I will be stating most of the reasons these people give

in the next few paragraphs. One of these reasons is the fact that

prisons are getting overcrowded in England. There are over two

thousand convicted persons serving life sentences in our prisons

today, therefore if we were to reintroduce Capital Punishment we could

resolve these problems by sentencing the people who would at present

be sent to prison for life to the death penalty as a punishment for

doing wrong.

Another common point that is made is that with so many people in our

prisons it actually costs us money due to taxing. And as I said before

prisons are overcrowded plus every person serving a life sentence

costs £400-£1000 each per week depending on the amount of security

that they need and this is coming out of money that we work hard for.

So without all those criminals we would be living better lives due to

the fact that we would have more money.

In addition to that the public would feel a lot safer as well as the

Police Force because the criminals would no longer be around to take

our money or kill us for not doing anything wrong. At the moment we

are very unsafe because even the Police can't handle them and we know

this due to the fact that each year approximately 15,000 Police

Officers are assaulted and over 40 Police Officers have been killed

since they abolished Capital Punishment does that say something to

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