Capacity Planning

2126 Words5 Pages

Resource Requirement Planning

A process that finds amount and types of resources that are used to get an organization’s strategic plan is called resource requirement planning. Its main objective is to get the appropriate level of production. Resource requirement planning is used to meet the future product demand. It includes capacity planning, facility layout and equipment and labor planning. The first step includes capacity planning and it is very important part of resource requirement planning. In this essay, we will focus on capacity planning.

Capacity Planning

Before doing capacity planning we should forecast the future demand of the good or service. Determining future capacity is based on future demand for the product. It is a very complex decision but it can be done by different tools like primary data or previous sale. When demand for goods and services is done then we can proceed to capacity planning,

Capacity is the maximum value of load that an operating unit can hold. It can be defined as the utmost logical output rate that can be achie...

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= 4000 french fries packets per hour16 french fries packets

= 250 basket fryers

No. of soft drink machines = Demand for glasses of soft drink Actual output of 1 soft drink machine

= 12000 soft drink glasses per hour3000 glasses of soft drink

= 4 soft drink machines


In today’s competitive world every company should use effective capacity planning to ensure the maximum benefit from resources and to avoid bottle necks, shortages and to fulfill the emerging demand of the customer. Moreover service and product based organization cannot reasonable minimum cost without the proper capacity planning. Companies should properly review their capacities in every accounting period to compete in the global markets.

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