Cancer Persuasive Speech

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You are in the doctor’s office getting a daily checkup. The doctor examines your body and feels a lump. The doctor then proceeds to take a variety of tests to make sure you are healthy. He comes back with disturbing results. “Cancer.” One of the scariest words in the dictionary, comes out of your doctor’s mouth just on a daily checkup. That word “cancer” erases any happy thoughts you previously had. You now start asking yourself how? Why me? How is this possible? What does this mean? These along with hundreds of other questions are thought about in this moment, as your life feels like its spiraling down into a black hole. Because of these situations, these patients, we as humans have worked extremely hard in trying to find a …show more content…

By finding a cure for something you can fix a problem. So by finding the cure for cancer you can fix that problem and thus people can live happy lives. Well as this may be true we have learned throughout the years of research that finding a cure is slim. Why would you want to fix a problem if you can prevent the problem from even happing? By finding a cause for cancer we can prevent cancer (the problem) from even happening. We have increased the survival rates among patients because we have found out through research many causes of cancer. We found out that if one goes to a tanning salon, or bakes out in the sun all day, that person is more likely to get cancer than someone who doesn’t. Likewise, someone who eats burnt food, burnt meat for instance is more likely to get cancer than someone who eats there food well-done and not burnt. By educating our society, not only would we be able to defeat cancer but we would able to defeat many if not all diseases. That means more lives saved, which equals more opportunities to fulfill our true potential given within …show more content…

It is a timed bomb ticking away, waiting to be blown. Foods, activities that we endure, the decisions that we make all contribute to when that bomb explodes. For some it is at a very early age, for others it is not until they are grey and old. But that is the way we will all go if we live long enough, is through cancer. The processed foods, the harsh chemicals we intake causes that bomb to shorten up and explode sooner. That is why we have cancer. Cancer just like any disease has its causes and its effects. The causes are the harsh chemicals we put in our bodies, and the effect is cancer. We can prevent this by using our resources around us and living healthier lives. No one wants to hear that word “cancer” especially at a doctor visit. It’s even harder to tell your family and friends. It’s not something that will just go away over night, but it is something that we can prevent. I’m not saying to stop trying to find a cure for cancer, but I’m saying lets change our main focus and find more about the causes of cancer. It’s going to be that one scientist that makes a mistake and ultimately finds the cure of cancer one day. Why wait that long though? When you can be living a healthy life with no fear of cancer or any other harmful diseases in our society. We have the resources all around us. We just need to put everything together and educate people, citizens of our community and of our nation, and inform them on what is “healthy” and what is “not

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