Cancer Informative Speech

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609,640 people are projected to die from cancer in 2018, just in the United States. Over eight million humans will lose their battles against malignant tumors which slowly and painfully tear their bodies apart worldwide. Cancer does not differentiate between gender, race, location, or age. It can strike anybody, anywhere. Treatment is expensive and has varying success rates. At the American Cancer Society (ACS), we work to provide treatment to everyone, conduct extensive research to find cures, and educate people about cancer preventative lifestyles. Unfortunately, cancer is far too big a problem for us to overcome alone. Please help us. We speak for the millions of people combating cancer this year when we ask you to please $3,500 dollars …show more content…

In actuality, cancer is a widespread problem which can strike anyone, including you. As I mentioned earlier, cancer plagues people of all ages and lifestyles. It exists all around the globe, and takes people quickly, by surprise. Cancer is, at its core, the out- of- control reproduction of certain cells. While this in itself may not seem like much, the real trouble comes when it starts to take over the body, obliterating your healthy tissues. Without the tissue, the body simply cannot function. Cancer is like a parasite, slowly but surely devouring the victim’s body from within. Additionally, it is true our mission to exterminate cancer may seem like an extremely lofty goal. If the ACS has been working to find a cure for such a long time, why have we not found it? You may ask yourself. Why should I fund something that is taking so long to achieve? We understand these thoughts, however we need you to realize there are over 120 types of cancer, and all of these come in different forms. In addition, we need to formulate procedures that kill the harmful tissue, while somehow sparing the healthy. We need to make sure the treatments are suitable for the very old and very young, the more delicate patients. We also need to take into account the cost effectiveness and resource availability for our methods. We hope we have resolved any concerns or doubts you may have against donating, and if we did not in this letter, you can always call 1-800-227-2345 for more

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