Canadian Culture Research Paper

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What is Canadian culture?

Culture is something we can only change the future of but not the past. Canada has a wide variety of cultural or a better word to use would be multicultural differences and people. If you look at the who the real and first canadians are, talking about first nation groups and people. Today there is Canadians with all the different heritage’s and backgrounds like asian and european, african etc. all of those people though have one thing in common when they decided (or their parents) to move to canada and live here, that is to become a canadian. Being a canadian is not about who you wish to be, but who you are and what you've become being from here or growing up here. Different people have different version of a canadian …show more content…

What i think when i start thinking about canadian culture is all the years Canada has been under the british empire and how that has had a big impact on the country because even though canada is its own country now we still see the queen on our money and there is still a queen's representative in the senate which still shows we are not onehoundred percent separated from England, which takes it back to the culture and how was this country like prior to this day.Even though we all like to see the positive side of the story the Canadian culture has had a lot of bad in it same as any other culture of any other country; I'm talking about the assimilation, racism and in country conflicts in between …show more content…

So when you go to Quebec today you will notice people there will not be pleased if you try speaking to them in english and a lot of times they will refuse to speak english even though a majority of french Canadians nowadays do have at least some english speaking skills. When you're in any other province in canada you will always be able to get around even if you only spoke french. Must be that french nationalism quebec has adopted as theirs. I look at it as it's almost sad that French Canadians insists on being French before being Canadian. It made sense back in the day when Quebec was full of french that were just off the boat and have decided to stick with their heritage but after few generations of canadians in Quebec there should be more canadian nationalism than french. Also another thing is a lot of Canadians now days insists on bringing their heritage into the story, because in my experience talking to people about my background i often hear something like this; “i'm actually Ukrainian, mexican, French, polish etc.” it has always interested in why don't those people just make it so much easier on themselves and just say “i'm Canadian”. I personally would prefer that over being an immigrant but nothing i can do about that. Canadian culture is what we as the people that live in

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