Campus Crime Essay

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One of the more pressing victim issues in today’s society is campus crime and how it is dealt with. In colleges all over the nation students become victims everyday to crimes whether it be theft, rape, or even peer pressure, which can result in injury or death of the student or even another student. Many campus crimes that occur aren’t reported because victims feel they will be criticized and ridiculed. When crimes are reported they are hastily looked over and often have unfair judgment in the case so the university doesn’t look bad. Campus crimes must be dealt with more thoroughly and more professionally and College’s must start taking responsibility for the crimes that occur. We will be taking a closer look at certain cases such as the Brock Turner and Allen Artis case to get a better understanding of the situations that do occur and how the cases are dealt with.

The first case on the agenda is the Brock Turner …show more content…

Allen Artis was a football player at North Carolina and sexually assaulted a fellow student. The victim Delaney Robinson who was 19, said the assault happened on Valentine's Day of 2016 at an apartment while drinking with her friends. She also stated she didn’t know her alleged attacker. After the act is committed the victim contacts the authorities but she felt she was not being treated properly. She later felt that the university began to stall with her case. Robinson said she went to a hospital after the incident and gave an account of what she could remember to the sexual-assault nurse. She was then questioned by the university's Department of Public Safety investigators, who asked demeaning and accusatory questions, questions like “Did you lead him on? Have you hooked up with him before? Do you often have one-night stands? Did you even say no? What is your sexual history? How many men have you slept with?” She later then states she feels as she was treated like a

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