Calpurnia In To Kill A Mockingbird

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The actions of this distinct black character named Calpurnia evidently exemplifies the virtue interpreted in our school motto: “To Act Justly”, with her immediate response to the malevolent Lula’s comment; “You ain’t got no business bringin’ white chillum here… It is our church, ain’t it Miss Cal?” By carrying out the Lord’s longing to act justly, Calpurnia stands up against the contemptuous character for Jem and Scout instantly when told otherwise that their presence in the Church was not permitted nor wanted. Alongside the treatment of racism, Calpurnia’s words display her attempt to cut off such behaviour. For Calpurnia to show her act for peace and acceptance, she advises Lula that “It’s the same God…” so her vexation need for the children to be removed from the Church would hopefully disappear. Our school’s motto to act justly is easily promoted by Calpurnia when she shares her intentions of God and how He’s the one and only who we all look up to, and who himself looks down at us as just one. In addition, another black character easily reveals the act of justness who goes by the name of Reverend Sykes, the minister of First Purchase Church.

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