California V. Greenwood Summary

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California v. Greenwood was a case decided by the Supreme Court of the United States. It was argued on January 11, 1988 and was decided on May 16, 1988. The case was about whether police could search through trash bags on the curb without a warrant. Local police suspected that a man by the name of Billy Greenwood was dealing drugs from his place of residence. The police could not obtain a warrant from a judge to search his house because of a lack of evidence. The police asked the neighborhood trash collector to pick up the garbage bags. In the trash bags, police found evidence of drug use, which they used to acquire a warrant to search Greenwood’s house. The police uncovered illegal substances in Greenwood’s house and the police arrested …show more content…

When does a person's garbage bags become public property? Can a person have a reasonable expectation of privacy for items at the curb which is in public view? Can evidence gained from a search of garbage bags at the curbside be used as probable cause for a warrant? Is it lawful for public employees such as a mailman or a trash collector to gather information for the police? A person’s trash becomes public property when it is left at the curb of a house for collection by the city employees. Since garbage bags left at the curb of a public street are readily accessible to many different people such as children, scavengers, snoops, and animals, a warrant to search an area which the public has easy access to is not required. A person cannot have a reasonable expectation of privacy if they leave their anything on the curbside of their home. The person gives up control of the items by putting it out for collection. They leave it for a public employee, who is also a stranger, to pick it up and dispose of it. The trash is now in public view and can be accessed by any member of the general public. If anything is in plain view of the public, there can be no expectation of

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