Caffeine Free Soda Experiment

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Per the hypothesis, most of the results in the lab are in accordance with the expected results. It was expected that the subjects drinking caffeine, diet caffeine free soda, and 16 ml/Kg of water would have a higher rate of production than the control group drinking 7.5 ml/Kg of water due to less water being reabsorbed. Results showed an increase in rate of production, most notably in subjects drinking diet caffeine free soda but seemed to decrease towards the end. For the rest of the subjects, the data shows a gradual rise over time with every subject (besides caffeine free) having a higher rate of production than the control group. The subjects drinking caffeine free soda were the only ones to record a lower rate of production than the control group. This could be due to an increase in glucose reabsorption causing water to follow back into the blood stream. The lack of caffeine does not hinder ADH secretion, which will cause an increased permeability to water in the collecting …show more content…

Its value is usually around the 1.00. Thus, as urine becomes more concentrated, specific gravity will become higher. Specific gravity was expected to gradually decrease as urine becomes diluted and less water is reabsorbed. The value was not expected to change much, staying somewhere around the value of 1.00 for each subject. The results were in accordance with the hypothesis as all subjects specific gravity had slightly decreased over the 90-minute time period, staying within close proximity of 1.00. The subjects with the greatest change were the ones drinking 16 ml/Kg of water as urine seemed to be diluted most in this group. The graph shows that specific gravity of subjects drinking caffeine free soda had an initial increase then decreases at the end. Each group drinking varying amounts of water had the lowest average of specific gravity showing that dilution of urine can affect the value of specific

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