Caffeine Extraction Lab Report

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The experiment extraction was used to determine the amount of crude caffeine in 2.673 grams of tea leaves. Dichloromethane and water were used with a separatory funnel in order to extract the caffeine from the tea leaves. Three extractions using 5mL of dichloromethane was directed in the experimental procedure; however, 15mL of dichloromethane was used to complete one extraction due to misinterpreting the experimental procedure. Because of this mistake, a very minimal amount of caffeine along with many impurities were extracted. A total of 0.094 grams of caffeine was extracted during this step, which gives a percent yield of 3.52% when compared to the total mass of tea leaves. As states, there are 0.047 grams of caffeine …show more content…

No caffeine was retrieved from the sublimation process which led to a 0 percent yield when compared to the total mass of tea leaves. A 0 percent yield was also calculated when compared to the 0.094 grams of crude caffeine that was extracted from the tea leaves. Because there were many errors made during the extraction process, no caffeine was retrieves during the sublimation process. Also, during the sublimation process, it was concluded that an error was made while heating the crude caffeine because a burnt scent was noted coming from the flask. In order to test the melting point of caffeine, a sample from the lab was contained since no caffeine was retrieved from the sublimation process. Ahmad, et al (2013) states that around 0.05 grams of caffeine should be in a bag of black tea leaves, which coincides with the expected value of 0.047 grams of caffeine. The given melting point of 238ºC was confirmed by the observed melting point of 236-238ºC.
The extraction process was used to extract crude caffeine from a black tea bag, and sublimation was used next to purify the crude caffeine. The vital result from the experiment is the amount caffeine obtained, but as a result of errors during the experiment, no caffeine was obtained. This lab could be enhanced in several ways. The proper tools should be provided to ensure that no error is a result from the lab materials and the directions of the experimental procedure should be

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