CTU Personal Statement

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For the last few weeks I being working on learning everything related to how to plan, develop and manage a successful career. From leaning how to research careers and possible job opportunities to how to built a resume. CTU has an excellent resource to help students on these aspects. CTU Career service info is a tool that serves as resource to assist and guide students though the entire career building process. CTU career service info has multiple resources such assistance on how to built cover letter, resume, career exploration and employment opportunity between others. I did choose to explore resume and cover letter resource, since I’m being working on building a resume and other documents of that nature. Also I did choose to explore this resource because it can be useful in the future, since you could use your resume at any time. Also I find it useful not only for my self, I do have a son who is 16 years old, he is about to star looking for his first job and now that I have some knowledge on how to …show more content…

That is why I decide to go back to school and persuade a degree. I am halfway though my degree and so far I am doing great. Even though I am not planning on pursuit a career on the field I am study for, having a degree will add up value to my military career, and that is my main focus. As military once you decide to built a career, there are some required steps, two of them are military and civilian education. The military education you get it through your career while civilian educations is something you have to personally seek, It took me a few years to finally make the decision, but now I found my way back I am putting all my effort to have a successful experience. As a previously mention, I am halfway thru my degree, my next move after I finish this class is enroll for the next class and keep doing what I being doing, which is putting all my effort and making time for

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