Butterfly Monologue

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Hello, Efrain! Thanks for the message. Yes, I have seen the picture with butterflies absorbing minerals. I appreciate the artistry of the picture: the vivid butterflies on the background of the plain black soil with patches of reflected light. Frankly, our butterflies’ bodies are merely dark; so, I have never seen such ones whose bodies are spotted like those in your photo. Hm… Probably they have eaten too much minerals. I am joking, but, sincerely, they look pretty odd. Besides, I suppose that they much bigger than our simple “Капустницы” (from “cabbage” because they eat cabbage while there are caterpillars. And “yes” again, I have seen on TV the literal butterfly-fall like snowfall in your land and in the countries farther in the south. Still, I prefer snowfall to such abundance of any insects, even butterflies, in the air. Do you remember you have once mentioned that you don’t like the climate in Canada because you don’t like cold weather? There is almost the same weather in Canada and in middle Russia, approximately. Thus, even if I suffer a great deal from the frost in winter when I am not dressed warm enough, I dream of our fluffy white winter even now, when I forget to breathe from admiration before the beauty of the summer nearly every moment when I look around! …show more content…

They promised rain, and there is no rain. They say, “The possibility of rain” and it’s not rainy again until the most inconvenient moment when you are thinking that “God gives it won’t rain today”. You can easily understand my “Ah” and “Oh” on this subject if I tell you that I almost finished painting my kitchen window yesterday evening, and there occurred the heavy rain last night. Nevertheless, since it was awfully sunny and hot yesterday all day long, there wasn’t much harm from this rain. The paint has nearly dried off to the moment when the rain started (for about 4 a.m.). So, I hope that all my labour was not in

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