Business Ethics Case Study: Lake Pleasant Bodies

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The moral dilemma identified in the Lake Pleasant Bodies case is an attorney’s disturbing conflict with his competing rights to his client and as Badaracco (2009) states “…and his empathy for the victims’ families” (Badaracco, 2009, p. 6). In the case study, Attorney Frank Armani sympathizes with the father of a victim and questions divulging confidential information that would breech the attorney-client agreement with his client Frank Garrow. Additionally, the moral dilemma includes the overwhelming decisions Armani faced constructing a plausible defense for this client and at the same time setting aside his personal reservations regarding his clients guilt. Model The model from the Lake Pleasant Bodies Case to make a decision is an example of right versus right. Armani had to make ethical decisions between what …show more content…

Throughout life many individuals, not just in the business world, are faced with the moral dilemma of doing what is conscientious as human beings verses what society deems incorrect. Applying the learning from this week, Armani’s options would be to decline meeting with Mr. Petz until the actual trail date that could be considered a conflict of interest “An attorney, an accountant, a business adviser or realtor cannot represent two parties in a dispute and must avoid even the appearance of conflict”(dictionary law, 2015). Therefore, applying right verses right to my personal work experience has been situations in which employees, mostly drivers, seek additional incentives for business tasks through me. The applies a right for the driver to receive payment for work contracted; however, the right in my place of employment, involves me not allowing any extra incentives that were not already established during their initial contract that would conflict with my

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