Business Case Study: Eslite Store In China

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I would like to develop a business in the interplay of lifestyle, publishing, curating, culture and education, transforming a traditional mode of bookstore in the context of China to a more dynamic mode of cultural consumption.

The current outlook of book industry in China is quite simplified and unpromising because of the diffusion of e-books, traditionally monopolized industry and outdated business model. The dominant bookstore in China is Xinhua bookstore, which was established in 1939 by the Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China and was reorganized under the China Publishing Group in 2003. As China's only countrywide distribution channel for magazines, and CDs and DVDs, it plays an important role in mass media, in addition to its dominant position as a bookstore. Eslite Bookstore is one of the largest retail bookstore chains in Taiwan and has a total of 48 branches, 1 children’s bookstore and 4 music stores in Taiwan. Eslite store’s business model is quite successfully with its diverse businesses in music, café, winery and teahouse. It opens the first and the only branch in Mainland China in Suzhou last year. Besides, many of the bookstores are locally private owned, which adopt single business operation and less diversity in products. …show more content…

Bookstores, such as Eslite, began to gain profits after years of establishment and it made a profit in affiliate products. Thus, my aim is to develop a dynamic space for both education and entertainment for the niches market, transforming the bookstore, a space merely for buying books, to a socialized and interactive space full of cultural derivatives and creative

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