Burial In Sophocles Antigone

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The true tragic hero of the play Antigone, by Sophocles, is Antigone’s uncle Creon, the king of Thebes. During a battle over the throne of Thebes, the sons of Oedipus, Eteocles and Polyneices, kill each other in battle. Creon give Eteocles a proper burial, but forbids anyone from burying Polyneices’. However, his niece Antigone defies his orders and tries to bury her brother, which leads to a chain of reactions. Creon, the king of Thebes, is giving Eteocles, one of Oedipus’s sons, a proper burial after his death in battle against Polyneices, the brother of Eteocles. However, he forbids anyone from burying Polyneices, saying “Never with me shall wicked men usurp the honors of the righteous…” (Sophocles, 12). Polyneices tried to overthrow

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