Burdens of Technology

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With each day that passes, new technology is being introduced. Innumerable tasks that need to be accomplished daily are simplified because of technology. For instance, emails have taken the place of letters, and cell phones are taking over land line telecommunications. For many, technology is the way of life. For others, technology is a nuisance. In this day and age, just about everyone depends on technological advancements to make his/her life less complicated. Thus, on a daily basis life is being affected. As a matter of fact, technology has affected everyday life in the workplace, the educational system, and family moral.
Technology in the workplace has become the new thing; it allows the business to evolve more efficiently. Many people think this is good, but in reality it is not. For instance, forklift operators are losing jobs because new technology has created a forklift that drives itself. Additionally, postal service workers are being affected because modern technology has made it possible for a sophisticated machine to sort parcels. Thus, there is no need for a position that requires an employee to manually separate mail. As well, many corporate businesses know that technology has made it to where one can work from virtually anywhere, and as a result superiors expect their employees to take on more responsibilities. Yet, workplaces are not the only areas affected by technology; the educational system is also impinged upon.
The overuse of technology in the educational system inhibits learning for school-aged children. The use of technology in schools has been helpful in gaining resources for school work, but it is crippling the minds of children. For example, kids no longer have to work out math equations or do physical r...

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...hus, the family members are less concerned about their health. Furthermore, parents and children get consumed by technology, and they become anti-social. Those countless hours spent addicted to technology prevent families from socializing, and socialization is very important when living in the real world.
In conclusion, technology has affected everyday life in the workplace, the educational system, and family moral. Before technological advancements there were mass amounts of jobs available. Not to mention before technology, the educational system was teaching the children how to do work for themselves. Additionally, families’ moral was more meaningful before all the gadgets came along. Many people thrive off the new inventions that technology can create to make life simplified, but not too many people stop and think about how much technology burdens everyday life.

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