Bullying In Catholic Schools Research Paper

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Bullying is a word most commonly heard throughout schools by children within the grades of kindergarten and senior year. Parents commonly tell their children to not worry about those who make fun of them because it happens to everyone. If it happens to “everyone,” then why are there not a great many more research studies done on Catholic school bullying? Everyone should be heard no matter what school they attend, or how expensive that school is. In the end, all children hurt equally from bullying and something needs to be done to stop it. When people search for studies on school bullying, they come across thousands of studies that have detailed bullying in public schools, but there are very few studies that focus on bullying in private school. …show more content…

While Catholic school students might not be able to make fun of each other’s clothes due to the fact that they wear uniforms, they can be highly judgemental about almost everything else. Catholic schools are known for being very competitive in regard to school work and even social life. Everyone strives for constant perfection and this can cause animosity between the students. In Catholic schools, bullying consists primarily of mocking and making fun of the lack of luxurious items that some students may not be able to afford. On top of that, jealousy can play a big role in bullying in Catholic schools. Students can be jealous of their classmates if those classmates get into a college that they did not get into. Catholic children are traditionally taught that “thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s goods,” and the Catholic schools should continue to reinforce the virtues of the Catholic Church. Most of the students who are bullies at Catholic schools, claim to be Catholic. But these kids are lying about who they are, they are fake Catholics. In Matthew 6:5, it is written that Catholics are reminded that “when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the …show more content…

However, sometimes kids need more than just prayers to stop their troubles, they need action and help from an adult. Many Catholic schools have started to add help for the children who are victims of bullying within their school. These programs help the children to have a place to talk about their problems, and they help the school as well. Through these programs, the school can learn about what type of bullying occurs within their halls and they can take that information to protect these children in the future. Unfortunately, some of the Catholic schools do not want to have extra help for these children, they believe that a counselor is enough. School counselors in high schools have to be focused on college applications and acceptances and are often too busy to talk to their students about bullying or conflicts. If parents request that a school take action on the topic of bullying, the school administration often replies that their school does have a program that can eliminate bullying, and that program is God. Jesus stood up for those who were less fortunate and saved them. The role models of these kids are their teachers, and these teachers should start saving their students. Robert Bimonte, the president of the NCEA(National Catholic Educational Association), commented that “our Catholic faith teaches children to respect others and

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