Bullying Essay

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Bullying is the use of force and threat to abuse, intimidate, or aggressively enforce domination over others. It is often repeated and habitual. Bullying is brought about by the imbalance of social or physical power according to the peers around. Behaviors used to assert this domination can include verbal harassment, threats and physical attack and is directed to a particular person. It is normally done to those with differences of class, race, religion, gender, sexuality, appearance, behavior, body language, personality, reputation, strength, size or ability. All around the world, people fall victim to bullying. There are many types of bullying. Bullying consists of three basic types of abuse; emotional or verbal, physical, and cyber. It is the use of domination to make another person feel less important. Many of them feel that taking their life is the only way to stop this. More precautions should be taken to prevent bullying and suicides caused by bullying.
Emotional bullying is the causing of distress resulting in someone developing low self-esteem, avoiding situations and becoming withdrawn. Emotional bullying can also be classified as verbal bullying. The spreading of rumours, excluding an individual or talking behind their back and intentionally hurting someone’s feelings are all causes of these feelings of depression. According to electronic newsweekly, “Emotional bullying leads to the feelings of isolation, a change in behaviour or attitude, becoming clingy to a parent or an individual and not wanting to go to public places.” The person feels unwanted and less valuable, bringing on feelings of sadness, anger or depression. Other kids want to feel accepted by their peers. If one child is talking badly about another, the o...

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...s to feel better about themselves; by putting this person down, they use their force as a way to draw attention away from themselves. “Children bully because they are fascinated with winning, power, and violence, have feelings of jealousy or envy and a lack of personal and social skills to deal with such feelings, experience family issues, had problems with their personal history, or have power.” (Stopbullying.gov). Children who come from an unloving or abusive home are more likely to inflict their feelings amongst their peers to try to ignore their own feelings. If the child had a history of social rejection or academic failure, they are more likely to inflict feelings of aggression on to others to make themselves feel better. If the person hasn’t been reprimanded, they are more likely to continue these aggressive acts because they don’t see anything wrong with it.

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