Bullying Consequences Essay

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People believe that when the bullying stops so do the consequences. On the contrary, the consequences will last a lifetime. The origin of the word bully comes from the word “boele”, a term of endearment. It 's interesting to see how over the centuries the word acquired a totally different meaning. Bullying is a fact of modern society, it happens everyday in offices and at schools, but do we really know what bullying is? Is it a kid getting his lunch money stolen, or a boss verbally abusing a staff member? Yes it means both of the above and so much more. Bullying is the act of using one 's influence or strength to harm or intimidate another human being in order to make the perpetrator feel more powerful. Bullying takes many forms: physical, …show more content…

Physical bullying is more easily detectable and therefore more apt to be addressed to to its visible telltale signs. Physical bullying does not only affect the victim, but also the bully as well as the people watching. Some criteria of bullying is if it happens repeatedly, and it is clear the bully is in a stronger position than the target. The intent of physical bullying is to hurt or embarrass the victim. Physical bullying include hitting, pushing, punching, spitting, and tripping a person. Of interesting note research finds that physical bullies are mainly boys. This type of bullying occurs mostly in middle schools, when students struggle with finding where they fit in and who they are. Some of the most common reasons for wanting to bully a peer are weight, religion, race, ethnicity and sexuality. Unlike physical bullying, verbal bullying is not easy to detect. “It can be confusing for someone to try and work out whether the name calling is banter or bullying.” Sometimes the victim feels …show more content…

Some are small; some are long lasting. Each party involved in a bullying situation faces different ramifications. A person who was bullied may suffer from low self-esteem, substance and alcohol abuse, depression, psychological difficulties and in extreme cases, may commit suicide. The outcome for the bullies are not good either. They may be suspended from school sport teams, suspension from school and end up in legal trouble. They may also become abusive towards future partners/spouses, parents, friends and children. The people who observe others being bullied are similarly affected. They tend to feel powerless, fearful, guilty for not trying to help, distrustful of teachers and other authority figures who did nothing to try and stop the

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